Sunday, March 28, 2010

Yes Man!!!

So this is one of the best Jim Carrey movies he has made.
The premise of the movie is that he goes to a seminar to encourage not being a negative nancy and disapointing his friends and everyone by saying no all the time.
So he (what he think to be a type of voodoo) is programmed to say Yes to every Request and and everything asked of him. (if he said no he believed something bad would happen to him.)
This pretty much makes him more spontaneous and all around a much better person than what he use to be.

I have come to terms, I'm the same way he was (before the seminar) where people don't even ask me anymore because its pretty much guaranteed im going to make an excuse or just say no.

Well Starting April 1st I have decided to be a Yes Man.
I will try it out for a week and if it works for me. I will finish it up for the rest of the month.

I think the hardest thing for me is that i'm a stubborn person so I pray I don't get any stupid request or anything that usually makes me say no.

I really want to have the strength to do this. I tried it for like a day once, and the kids I work with pissed me off so much lol lets just say i stopped halfway through.
We'll I'll be on spring break the first week so lets see how this works out

wish me luck!!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Out of it!

Just everything lately hasn't been running right or according to plan.
I feel like I've been a tad depressed lately. I can't quite pin-point it. I mean I know some factors of what it is, but those are defintely different stories for different blogs.

I think the main thing is I have just been feeling a little lonely lately.

I mean I do the same routine every single day. Wake up, Eat, work, gym, eat, sleep
Monday- Friday
and Saturdays and Sundays haven't exactly been feeling a heck of a lot different. (minus the work)

I have been going out on sat nights recently, but its not with a crowd that im particularly fond of (not the people I go with, but the actual people there).

I dont know I can't necessarily explain it.

My Mental is just all screwed up right now

and My physical hell I break my body down everyday in the gym. Its starting to get hard to wake up in the mornings now. I don't feel well rested or anything.
I think I need just a good 2 days off of doing nothing from everything.

too bad that will never happen with the way I just have to keep moving... There is no way I can just sit in the house or anywhere for that matter for a long period of time.

I dont know Its just Frustrating that the "Life Plan" hasn't exactly gone according to plan.

But when I look back in the past to think about what my "Life Plan" was, I think I can honestly say I never had a plan.

Since age 12 I remember saying to myself, I'm goign to live and go where the wind will take me.
Boy was that a mistake, I owe student loans (thats it Thank God) and No real plan but to go to Japan.

I've been watching alot Man Vs. Wild Lately and thinking I may just go ahead and live like a nomad for a year, go to some buddhist temple and survive and learn the ancient ways.

Who knows just right now My mind is in a Daze and I hate having this feeling.